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Block party song (PDF)

Updated Jan. 3, 2004
Posted June 22, 2003

Stuff Out on the Curb

A song for Elsa

Elsa lived in the neat brick house, number 162
She was already here when we moved in, to Ohio Avenue
She walked her little dog Sammy, she'd rake weed and sweep
Just this year in a nursing home, she died in her sleep.

She used to tell us stories, bring treats for our bellies
She'd gather up our currants and use them to make jelly
Last month I looked outside and I felt somewhat disturbed
There were piles of bags and boxes and her stuff out on the curb

Elsa was born in Sweden, she came here when she was 8
She didn't speak much English, so they stuck her in first grade.
With her mother and her brothers she worked and perservered
She made this neighborhood her home for nearly 80 years.

She loved cooking and baking. She said, "there's nothing wrong
once in a while after lunch, to have a glass of something strong."
She knew the Swedish flavors, the spices and the herbs
There were pots and pans and recipes in her stuff out on the curb.

We started going through it, sorting it by hand.
Lots went to St. Vinnie's in the back of Lauri's van.
We laughed at the kitschy things, while we were searching for a prize.
I wondered how my stuff would look, through somebody else's eyes.

Here on Ohio Avenue, we're practical, not proud.
Thursday nights we look around to see what's been thrown out.
That's why we're in this neighborhood, and not in some suburb
Everyone I know has got something from the curb.

I went out to Karmenta, some company to keep.
I looked in and she was napping, so I let Elsa sleep.
Three days later we got the call, the news that Elsa died.
I thought I'd gone to say hello, but I guess it was good-bye.

She used to love this party, she sat right there with her friends.
There's a lesson here for all of us, when we reach our journey's end.
Youğll get your picture in the paper, and a somewhat honest blurb
But leave your stories and your love, and some stuff out on the curb.
When I leave this world behind, I don't mean to be absurd
Grab the best, take the rest and put it on the curb.

© stuart stotts 2003