School-Community Recreation
Rain number
(608) 204-3044
(officially after 3:30 p.m.)
Softball fields
Grits home
School-Community Recreation's field maps
On Fish Hatchery Road, in the 1700 block, north of Capital Newspapers,
aka Madison Newspapers
Field 1 is near service building, park in front or rear lot
Field 2 is nearest Fish Hatchery Road, park in rear lot
Field 3 is nearest rear parking lot, park there
Goodman, formerly known as Franklin, renamed in 2005
On the 100 block of West Olin Avenue, near the Dane County coliseum.
Field 1 is at the end of the long drive by the rear parking lot.
Field 2 is closest to Olin Avenue and the front parking lot.
On Atwood Avenue between Sugar Avenue and Walter Street.
Fields 1 and 2 are closest to Walter Street and Michael's Frozen Custard.
Fields 3 and 4 are closest to the botanical gardens and Starkweather Creek.
Field 5 is by the lake, across Atwood from Fields 3 and 4.
At corner of North Sherman Avenue and Northport Drive.
Fields 1 and 2 are along Trailsway, the residential street off Sherman.
Fields 3, 4 and 5 are along large parking lot. Field 3 is closest to North
Sherman; Field 5 is closest to the woods. A Madison
Mallards home game may present a parking challenge.