Block party song (PDF)

Updated Jan. 3, 2004
Posted Feb. 5, 2003

Ohio Avenue

Lead-Pipe Junta Report from Jan. 15, 2003

Stuart has researched the lead-pipe issue and concluded that Pertzborn and Jeppa seem to be the two most-recommended contractors to handle the excavating and plumbing work.

  • Check your e-mail
  • Keep an eye on this page.
  • Keep an eye on new notices posted on the front of 133 Ohio Ave.
  • E-mail Karen
  • E-mail Stuart

Stuart has made an appointment with Jeppa on the morning of Feb. 3 to give as many estimates as possible for houses on and near Ohio Avenue. Mr. Pertzborn is on vacation until Jan. 20. His secretary scheduled him for the 3rd and did not expect that it would be a problem.

If you want to get estimates from these two companies without having to be home, by Feb. 1, you need to:

  • attach your street address and daytime phone number to a copy of your house key;
  • write a note saying which door the key opens and include your daytime phone number; and
  • leave the key and note in an envelope inside the storm door of 169 Ohio Ave.; or
  • leave a note with your phone number and street address, and say which door you will leave unlocked.

If you will be home the morning of Feb. 3 and still want Pertzborn and Jeppa representatives to come to your house then, let Stuart know. He can be reached at (e-mail is much preferred, and will garner you quicker response and special mention at the block party). Phone is 241-9143. Karen, can try to answer questions (244-2324).

E-mail is the best way to get new information.

If you want to help out with as-yet unspecified tasks to facilitate this process, please send Karen your name, e-mail and phone number. We anticipate needing someone with strong negotiating skills.

The two companies will mail estimates to individual households, we assume. By working cooperatively with one or both of these companies, we believe we can negotiate group discounts. Even if you don't get your estimate through the appointment Stuart has set up, please let us know if you select Pertzborn or Jeppa and want to be included in the negotiations.

Pertzborn told Stuart they would offer at least a 5 percent discount for groups of five or more. We hope to do better. Stuart and Karen anticipate collecting all the quotes and comparing them in an effort to get the lowest price possible.

Stuart expects that the work would start at the earliest in mid-February. According to the city's web page, Ohio is scheduled to begin February-April. Karen, noise-sensitive as she is, would like to complete the work by late April, before open-window weather arrives. A rumor is circulating about Ohio Avenue being torn up in August for water-main replacement. Karen is checking this out with alder Judy Olson.

Jeppa did John's house in the middle of the block earlier in January -- John went ahead because he had a leaking pipe. He said Jeppa did a good job. His cost about $1,200.

The cost will vary from house to house, from about $1,100 to $1,800, we think, depending on each house's quirks.