La Follette Avenue
High-Speed Rail Corridor Group

Waubesa Street to Winnebago Street and Anziger Court
aka most of City Ward 33 or Census Tract 20-Block Group 4, per the 2000 census

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E-mail list users encourage support for high-speed rail

Messages on the Schenk-Atwood-Starkweather-Yahara Neighborhood Public Mailing List encourage residents to contact Governor Jim Doyle and Governor-Elect Scott Walker and urge support for high-speed rail.

Contact information

Governor-Elect Walker's Transition Office

Governor Doyle's Office

News stories

Some posts share experiences telephoning Doyle's office and Walker's transition office. One includes facts outlining economic benefits of high-speed rail. Others share opinions.

The State Journal reported November 10 people were contacting Walker's transition office in "a flurry of grassroots campaigns — some originating in Madison — in favor of the train that have emerged in recent days. There's the "Save the Train Wisconsin" Facebook page, an online petition, local businesses rallying around the project, and e-mails circulating on multiple Madison listserves urging people to take action. 'I don't even know if I should be hopeful. I've spent so much time on this, it feels like a kick in the stomach,' Ald. Marsha Rummel said of the project being killed. 'I have no other power than to ask my constituents to take action.' Rummel said she didn't start the 'Save the Train' campaign, but did share information about it with her East Side listserv — and called Walker's office directly."

Subject: Fwd: High Speed Rail ... don't let it die!, November 10, 2010, Schenk-Atwood-Starkweather-Yahara Neighborhood Public Mail List

Schenk-Atwood-Starkweather-Yahara Neighborhood Public Mailing List


Story originally posted on or after November 10, 2010

La Follette Avenue High-Speed Rail Corridor Group

home page

Web site is published by Karen Faster, 133 Ohio Avenue, Madison WI 53704

Posted December 6, 2010