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Updated Jan. 3, 2004
Posted July 22, 2003

Karen's house project @133 Ohio

Lift high the roofbeam, carpenters

back wall open
basement joists
three men, beam
beam, three men

Above and right: Kevin (red), Shane (gray) and John (white) develop their I-beam-hoisting strategy. Below: The I-beam, which weighs about 156 pounds, is holding up the second story. It has wood set inside to attach other pieces to.

i-beam with wood


John works on the subflooring for
the addition. Right: Tilly keeps an eye
on the work from the junction of the
old and new house.

cat, subfloor

subfloor, good floor

The house's original floor is under plywood and the circa 1992 oak floor in the upper right. The floor in the kitchen must be built up to match. The people who lay the new oak floor with feather in the wood, and the hope is that the finish will come close to matching the original floor.

sub floor, shims

The back of the old house is about half an inch lower than the inner edge of the old kitchen floor, so Kevin has to carefully shim up the subfloor so the finished product is as level as possible.

window space
inside awning window

Above left: the windows that look onto La Follette Avenue.

Above right: The boarded-up awning windows that look into a forsythia and wood fence. Perhaps the view will be changed to a flowering tree …

Right: Quite an improvement from the pit. This is the back of the house from the backyard. The photographer is standing on the picnic table. The window in the back bedroom is going to be exchanged for a shorter one.

Below: John and Shane shingle the addition on Tuesday, July 22.

men roofing

back of house
June 12-16
June 14-16
June 17
Waiting for concrete
June 18-??
June 23-July 3
June 23-July 3
Ah, running water
June 23-July 3
Basement becomes accessible
July 3-10
Taking sides
July 14-20