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Updated Jan. 3, 2004
Posted July 22, 2003

Karen's house project

Framing analysis

Tuesday, July 22, 2003

Had a concrete epiphany. It was Thursday, July 10. Asked whether we should cut a window into the basement so the concrete people could get their trough into the basement and the carpenters could go ahead and start framing the addition.

I didn't know they usually use a power trowel; I was just going from my experience last summer when neighbors had a floor poured in their duplex. The trough fit through this tiny window and about a dozen people scurried around in rubber boots pushing concrete (Or is the liquid cement? I can't remember the difference.) A couple who really knew what they were doing did the finish work.

So, apparently, hand-finishing concrete is not so common, but our concrete guys were excited about the option. Now they're calling Kevin asking when they can come over. Seems they don't get paid until they finish the work …

The framing began in earnest Monday, July 14. The three carpenters hoisted the 12-foot I-beam into place to hold up the second floor. It spans the peninsula and passageway from the old to the new house. A week and a day later, they are shingling the addition.

During the rest of the week of July 21 they will work on interior framing, including the halfbath and pantry walls.

addition from outside

On the left are the two double-hung windows that will look over the deck. The opening to their right (with the blue ladder) is part of the doorway. The opening near the green and silver ladders is for the two double-hung windows looking out onto the street. To the far right, the particle board is for the window between the inside entrances to the basement and the halfbath. In the gray area to the left, the pantry window will be cut in, once Karen removes the wood siding, so it can be reused on that wall.

addition inside

On the left are the windows facing the street. To the right of the ladder, the rectangular boarded-up area is the space for the three awning windows. Straight ahead is the space for the two double-hung windows, framing Shane while he takes his lunch break in the backyard. To their left is the doorway.

More on framing

More on siding

June 12-16
June 14-16
June 17
Waiting for concrete
June 18-??
June 23-July 3
June 23-July 3
Ah, running water
June 23-July 3
Basement becomes accessible
July 3-10
Taking sides
July 14-22
Lift high the roofbeam, carpenters
July 14-22